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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if I don’t find the prescription drug I need in your website?

We only list some of the most searched NON controlled drugs online to comply with United States Laws. If you would like to know if the prescription drug you need is available from the advertising pharmacies feel free to use the toll free number provided beneath each product to ask them.

Is it legal to buy online without a prior prescription?

There are different State and Country regulations. TeleMedicine is an approved practice in most U.S. States and Countries. Depending where you live certain drugs can’t and shouldn’t be purchased online. Verify with your local authorities before placing any order!

Is an Online Pharmacy?

Absolutely NOT, we are only a referral service to different pharmacies that handle the order, the prescription and delivery. We DO NOT prescribe, ship not process any order, we are only a comparison shopping site to provide the best prices and options.

Do you offer medical advice?

Absolutely NOT. You should only accept a medical advice from your personal doctor. All prescription drugs have different side effects on different patients, which at time can be deadly. Please always verify with your doctor before starting a medical treatment. All the information you can find in our site is for general purposes, every patient should and has to talk to their physician before taking any medication. Every person could have a different reaction to any medication and it is extremely important you consult with your physician before starting or continuing any medical treatment.

How long will it take to receive my order?

All orders are shipped from Canadian pharmacies, depending on the company you choose packages might be delivered overnight using FedEx or might take a couple of days with USPS priority mail.

How do I track my order?

With every order placed you will receive a confirmation email (always check your SPAM inbox) with the complete information on how to track your order. In the case you didn’t receive the email or accidentally deleted it, you can find the customer support toll free number beneath each supplier.

What happens after I place an order?

Your order is forwarded to a doctor that will approve or deny your prescription. Once and only if the prescription is approved it is sent to the local pharmacies that will ship the drug directly to the address you provided. You’ll receive email confirmations for each step from your order approval to your shipping details. In some cases the online pharmacy doctor might contact you directly to ask for additional information.

Do the Online Pharmacies listed deliver to every US state?

All the companies we list in our site are based in the USA and respect all laws and regulations. Some prescription drugs might not be available for purchase online depending on where you live. Some US States don’t allow TeleHealth Prescribing for this reason you won’t be able to place an order.

What are the differences between generic and brand name medications?

Generic drugs are almost exactly the same as the brand version, only the name and most importantly the price changes. Generic version of a prescription drugs have the same active ingredients as the brand version, but since Generic Manufacturer do not have the cost of developing a drug once the patent is released they are capable of producing the same product at a lower price.

How does an online consultation (TeleMedicine) work?

The online consultation is a great option for patients that have received a physical exam by their physicians and are now looking to save on refills. Think of the online consultation as if you were calling your doctor for a prescription over the phone. Based on your medical form in the order page a licensed physician will approve or deny your prescription.

Is it safe to buy a medication while I am taking another?

No it isn’t, it is extremely dangerous! It is highly recommended you talk to your personal physician before changing or taking two or more medical treatments at the same time. Some prescription drugs can not interact with other and can cause severe health complications.

Are online credit card transactions safe?

All the order pages are secured with SSL encryption. This means that no third party can see your credit card information.